Cottonwood Residence
The Cottonwood Residence will be located on a large, forested site that is designed to be a multi-functional campus accommodating a wide range of new uses including the new private residence, an education center, a reception center, cabins for overnight visitors and variety of recreational activities for the residents and visitors. These buildings and uses are connected by a network of paths and elevated walkways that wind through the forest. The new residence replaces an existing home and is designed in a neo-brutalist style that both contrasts with and complements the existing natural landscape and topography of the site. Rooftop gardens help integrate the home into its context. Gardens adjacent to the home reflect the geometry of the house while the landscape on the rest of the site reflects the natural setting. Recreational opportunities include the private pool at the residence, a mountain bike track throughout the site, a natural pond, and a zipline. The varied uses and recreational activities combine to create an entirely unique residential campus full of moments of surprise and wonder. The Cottonwood Residence will be located in Sandy, Utah.