Boise 8th St Corridor Master Plan
The 8th St Corridor is located at the heart of Boise’s revitalization efforts. Community stakeholders gathered to define a master plan that would create new opportunities for the blossoming downtown core. It connects from the southwest limit of the CCDC’s (Capital City Development Corp.) landmark, Grove Plaza, to Boise’s new public library and the Anne Frank Memorial Park.
The master plan looks to define a pedestrian centric corridor that provides opportunities for the community to come together – BSU students, working professionals, current and future residents, and members of the surrounding community. In the short term, it identifies cost effective strategies aimed at increasing pedestrian safety and creating street festival opportunities. In the long term, it proposes landmark monumentation, public art and murals to revitalize alley ways, re-envisions the existing bridge over the Boise River, creates new cultural & civic amenities, housing opportunities, and provides additional parking to meet the increasing demand.
The end goal of the collaboration is to preserve the best aspects of the district’s identity, while providing improvements that will be an asset to Boise and the residents that define and utilize it.